File time stamp change
File time stamp change

  1. File time stamp change how to#
  2. File time stamp change update#

Touch the file to fake the all timestamps: $ touch file.txt Set the fake date and time (requires root): $ date -set " 21:30:11" Save the current system’s date and time in the variable NOW: $ NOW=$(date) Unexpected impact: Modification of a system time may cause an unexpected impact! Use the below commands on your own risk! Then touch the file and immediately rollback the system time. Nevertheless, if you are ready to risk, it is possible )įirstly you can set the system time to the ctime you want to impose. $ touch -m -date=" 23:05:43.443117094 +0400" file.txt Change File “Change” TimeĪs i have already said there is no a standard solution to fake a ctime (change time) timestamp.

File time stamp change update#

Modify time gets updated when you whenever update content of a file or save a file.Ĭhange time gets updated when the file attributes are changed, like changing the owner, changing the permission or moving it to another filesystem, but will also be updated when you modify a file.Ĭhange File “Access” & “Modification” TimeĬhange a file’s atime (access time): $ touch -a -date="" file.txt Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 regular empty fileĭevice: 804h/2052d Inode: 2501536 Links: 1Īccess: (0644/-rw-r-r-) Uid: ( 1000/ admin) Gid: ( 1000/ admin)Ĭhange: 11:43:08.503408793 +0200 Difference Between “atime”, “mtime” and “ctime” TimestampĪccess time gets updated when you open a file or when a file is used for other operations like grep, cat, head and so on. Use the stat command to see the current file’s timestamps: $ stat file.txt

File time stamp change how to#

Read the below article to learn how to change a file’s timestamps and keep anonymity.Ĭool Tip: To cover up the traces – clear the last login history.

file time stamp change

Someday you may have a situation when you would like to fake a timestamps of some file.Ītime and mtime timestamps can be easily changed using touch command, but there is no a standard way to set a different ctime timestamp.Īs a possible workaround you can set the system time to the ctime you want to impose, then touch the file and then restore the system time. Files in Linux have 3 types of timestamps: atime (access), mtime (modify) and ctime (change).

File time stamp change