Sspx and rome
Sspx and rome

As a shepherd of souls he had fought contra mundum like a new Athanasius just to have the Latin Mass which Benedict would later say “was in principle always permitted.” Cyril was certainly guilty of excess in his zeal for orthodoxy.) He had begged Ottaviani and the Holy Father to issue the anathema which alone would deal with the heretical wolves destroying the faith of little children in the Real Presence of Christ. (If these accusations are true, one could note Doctor of the Church St. If she were to claim a reversal of her faith or of her liturgy, in what name would the Church dare address the world? Her only legitimacy is her consistency in her continuity.įurther, even if we grant the accusation that he made mistakes or excesses or even theological error, no one can deny that Archbishop Lefebvre in 1988 had been fighting manfully against the heretical wolves since 1966 and before. What is at stake is therefore much more serious than a simple question of discipline. Thus said His Eminence about Traditionis Custodes: Further, as we know from Benedict (and Cardinal Sarah) this was not a matter of merely positive liturgical law, but touched upon the very legitimacy of the Church itself. If we believe that the Latin Mass was never abrogated as Benedict said in 2007 (reflecting the canonical determination of John Paul II’s commission), then we know that 1.) was merely a matter of restoring legality to the Church’s liturgical norms and 2.) was the means to guard against any continued and illegal suppression of the same. The two most important parts we emphasize here is 1.) the Latin Mass and 2.) episcopal power to guard that Mass. The agreement he had signed (which promised fidelity to the Roman Pontiff and confessed the validity of the Novus Ordo and all its Sacraments) would give him a personal prelature and episcopal power to continue the ancient Roman Rite of our fathers. In 1988, Archbishop Lefebvre told his followers that he was forced to disobey Rome and consecrate bishops. The Schismatic Trads Were Right? Francis' New Rescript on the TLM.

sspx and rome

Why the Pope Praises Modernist Architects.Cardinal Roche on the Vatican II Rupture.

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The Italian Baroque Marian Music of Easter.The Old Container and the Leaking Sieve.Cardinal Roche and the Trad View of the New Mass.

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  • Apocalypse Now? 29th Summer Symposium of the Roman Forum.
  • 2nd Sunday after Easter: Every Christian's Vocation.

  • Sspx and rome